Add New Workplace

This endpoint allows you to add a new workplace/location to your existing Deputy install.

Data elementRequirementsNotes
strWorkplaceNameString naming the workplace
stWorkplaceTimezoneTimezone for the workplace using TZ database namingSee this website for information
strAddressString of the locations address
strLatThe latitude of the location using a string
strLonThe longitude of the location using a string
intCountryAn integer which defines which country the location is in
arrAreaNamesAn array of the area names to add to the locationExample : ['Chef', 'Cashier']
strWorkplaceCodeA string with a length of 3 allowing you to define a short code for the location
strParentCompanyName or integer id of the company the location belongs toOptional
strPayrollExportCodeString naming what to use as a code for payroll exports to applications such as XeroOptional
blnIsWorkplaceWhether the location is considered a workplaceBoolean
1 - True
0 - False
blnIsPayrollEntityWhether the location has payroll setupBoolean
1- True
0 - False


    "strWorkplaceName": "Simons Sambos - Sydney",
    "strWorkplaceTimezone": "Australia/Sydney",
    "strAddress": "580 George St",
    "strLat": "151.2093",
    "strLon": "33.8688",
    "intCountry": 13,
    "arrAreaNames": ["Chef", "Cashier"],
    "strWorkplaceCode": "SYD",
    "strPayrollExportCode": "SYDEXPORT",
    "blnIsWorkplace": 1,
    "blnIsPayrollEntity": 1

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