Updating Regular Working Hours
Employees in Deputy can have regular working hours added to their profile. This can be related to employment law (where for example an employee under a particular age may have restricted hours) or personal desires such as a university student who can only work on particular days due to study requirements.
Regular Working Hours is available via the API, follow the below guide to use these features.
The URL to interact with the regular working hours feature of Deputy is:
curl --POST 'https://{install}.{geo}.deputy.com/api/management/v2/agreed_hour/{employeeid}'
Sample Payload - Full Agreed Hours
The below payload covers a scenario where an employee has very specifically defined breaks and days of work.
"agreedHour": {
"threshold": 23.5,
"applyThreshold": false,
"workPeriod": {
"cycle": "WEEKLY",
"dayOfWeek": "TUESDAY",
"startDate": "2022-08-02T00:00:00Z",
"startCycleDate": "2023-02-07T00:00:00Z",
"endCycleDate": "2023-02-13T23:59:59Z"
"details": {
"weeks": [
"week": "ONE",
"days": [
"day": 2,
"shifts": [
"startTime": "09:00",
"endTime": "18:00",
"breaks": [
"breakType": "MEAL",
"breakDuration": "00:30",
"startBreakTime": "15:30",
"endBreakTime": "16:00"
"location": 1,
"area": 2,
"totalHours": 8.5
"day": 4,
"shifts": [
"startTime": "09:00",
"endTime": "17:00",
"breaks": [
"breakType": "REST",
"breakDuration": "00:30",
"startBreakTime": "12:00",
"endBreakTime": "12:30"
"location": 1,
"area": 1,
"totalHours": 8
"day": 5,
"shifts": [
"startTime": "09:00",
"endTime": "17:00",
"breaks": [
"breakType": "NO_BREAK",
"breakDuration": "",
"startBreakTime": "",
"endBreakTime": ""
"location": 1,
"area": 1,
"totalHours": 8
"workingDaysPerCycle": 3
Element | Data Type | Info |
threshold | Decimal | This is the total calculated hours for the period being defined. It is possible to set this as an upper limit for an employees hours using the applyThreshold element. |
applyThreshold | Boolean true/false | This defines whether the threshold should be enforced. For example if this is set to true and you try to schedule the employee more than the threshold hours in the period, Deputy will block you from doing so. If this is set to false, this does not block this scenario. |
workPeriod | Object | The work period object has elements which define the work period for which the regular working hours is set. For example it defines the first day of the week that should be taken into account in these calculations. |
workPeriod - cycle | String | This defines the cycle of the work period. This can be WEEKLY, TWO_WEEK or FOUR_WEEK. |
workPeriod - dayOfWeek | String | Defines the starting day of the week for the cycle. This can be MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY. |
workPeriod - startDate | String | The start date and time in zulu time as to when this agreed hour profile should start. |
workPeriod - startCycleDate | String | The time the cycle will first begin in zulu time. |
workPeriod - endCycleDate | String | The time the cycle will first end in zulu time. |
details | Object | When regular working hours contains specific information about days and hours, the details object will contain this information. |
details - weeks | Array | This array contains information about the weeks which are included in the cycle, for each week there will be an object entry. |
details - week | String | Which week of the cycle this array entry is referring to. |
details - days | Array | Array of entries for individual days within the week. |
days - day | Integer | Represents the day of the week 0 - Sunday 1 - Monday 2 - Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 - Thursday 5 - Friday 6 - Saturday |
days - shifts | Array | Includes all the shift information for the day. |
shifts - startTime | String | The start time of the shift in 24 hour time |
shifts - endTime | String | The end time of the shift in 24 hour time |
breaks | Array | Contains information for any breaks due in the shift. |
breaks - breakType | String | The type of break. Can be MEAL, NO_BREAK or REST |
breaks breakDuration | String | The duration of the break in minutes and hours |
breaks - startBreaktime | String | The start time of the break if it has been specifically set |
breaks - endBreakTime | String | The end time of the break if it has been specifically set |
location | Integer | The id which represents the Deputy location where the shift takes place |
area | Integer | The id which represents the area within the Deputy location where the shift takes place |
totalHours | Integer | The total hours of all the days and shifts combined |
Sample Payload - Simple Regular Working Hours
The below payload covers where you just want to set an agreed hours number as opposed to specific days and shifts.
"agreedHour": {
"threshold": 25,
"applyThreshold": true,
"workPeriod": {
"cycle": "WEEKLY",
"dayOfWeek": "TUESDAY",
"startDate": "2022-05-10T00:00:00Z",
"startCycleDate": "2022-05-02T00:00:00Z",
"endCycleDate": "2022-05-08T23:59:59Z"
"workingDaysPerCycle": 3,
"details": {
"weeks": []
Element | Data Type | Info |
threshold | Integer | The total number of hours for the regular working hours profile. |
applyThreshold | Boolean true/false | Determines whether the threshold is a hard limit and Deputy will block additional scheduling or is a soft limit. |
workPeriod | Object | This object contains information about the regular working hours cycle. |
workPeriod - cycle | String | The cycle of the regular working hours profile. Can be WEEKLY, TWO_WEEKLY or FOUR_WEEKLY. |
dayOfWeek | String | The day of the week the cycle starts. Can be MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY |
startDate | String | The start date of the regular working hours profile in zulu time. |
startCycleDate | String | The first date of the regular working hours profile cycle in zulu time. |
endCycleDate | String | The end date of the regular working hours profile cycle in zulu time. |
Retrieving Regular Working Hours
You can retrieve the regular working hours profile for an employee by using this url.
curl --GET 'https://{install}.{geo}.deputy.com/api/management/v2/agreed_hour/{employeeid}'
Updated about 1 year ago