Embed Partner Information API
Get an overview of your Deputy Embed tenants.
You're able to use our Embed Partner Status API to get a quick overview of all created Deputy Embed installations.
curl GET https://api.usw2.deputy.com/connect/v1/partner/{partnername}/info
Note: This API is protected under the same security layer that governs all Deputy Embed endpoints. See more here.
The response will include a list of all hostnames, along with their associated editions and a count of their current active users.
Field | Description |
totalNumberOfUsers | The total number of created users across all installations. |
hostname | The hostname of the created Deputy Embed tenant. |
externalId | The externalID was assigned by the third party when the account was created. |
numberOfUsers | The total number of active users on the given installation. |
Edition | The current edition of the installation (Trial, Premium, or Free) |
trialEndDate | The date the trial ended (The effective date that billing takes/has taken effect) |
creator | The creators email address. |
The intention of the Partner Status API is to give embed partners a quick overview of their fleet, with fast access to useful info. The number of users returned via the Partner Status API may differ from the number charged for via your invoice as the Status API returns current active users, while Deputy billing takes into account a users billing start date and the number of real time users throughout a billing period.
Updated over 1 year ago