Retrieve Future Rosters - Python

import requests # Import requests HTTP library to access the server import json # Import JSON import time # Import the time library # Get the current timestamp as an integer current_timestamp = int(time.time()) # Deputy install URL, update to your own url = "" # Use the current_timestamp variable in the payload. This defines the query on the Deputy side. payload = json.dumps({ "search": { "s1": { "field": "StartTime", "type": "gt", "data": str(current_timestamp) # Convert the integer timestamp to a string } } }) #set headers including security token, the dots should be replaced with your bearer token from your install. headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ••••••', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } #define the post to the server response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) #print the response in console print(response.text)

Sample Python code that will return all future rosters based on the current timestamp at execution.

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