Create, Upgrade and Downgrade Deputy Embedded Accounts

Provisioning a Deputy Account

The first step in the provisioning flow is to create a Deputy business. A Deputy business is designed to match one account on the partner system. Multiple locations can be created under a Deputy business.

To create a business, submit a post request to the signup endpoint


Bearer Token

You will need to pass in a bearer token (created here in order to access all of these provisioning APIs.


curl POST{partnername}/signup

{partnername} is the name we assign to the partner's embedded integration.

Sample Request Payload

    "userData": {
        "firstName": "Deputy",
        "lastName": "User",
        "email": "",
        "mobileNumber": "+61 00000000"
    "businessData": {
        "externalId": "Biz1",
        "estimatedEmployeeCount": "15",
        "portfolioName": "Calvins Coffee",
        "countryCode": "AU",

Data Elements


Data ElementMandatoryInfo
firstNameYesThe first name of the user creating a Deputy Trial.
lastNameYesThe last name of the user creating a Deputy Trial.
emailYesThe email address of a user creating a Deputy trial. For Embedded customers, this account must be new to Deputy otherwise an error will be thrown.
mobileNumberNoThe mobile number of the user signing up to Deputy. This needs to be a valid mobile number otherwise an error will be thrown.


Data ElementMandatoryInfo
externalIdYesA partner provided external ID. We store this internally to create a mapping between the Deputy embedded account and the user's account on the partner's app. This is freetext and must be unique.
estimatedEmployeeCountNoAn integer representing the estimated number of customers that will be onboarded into Deputy. Value must be greater than 0.
portfolioNameYesThe business name shows internally in several places in the product.
countryCodeNoA string representing a valid two-letter country code. A default value ("US") is provided when this is omitted.

This will create a Deputy Premium trial which lasts 30 days. An account must be converted within these 30 days via a call to our conversion endpoint.



The Deputy business will be created in the root region of the API call. Our current provisioning API runs in the US region only ( , however UK ( and AU ( are in development.


The response from this endpoint will detail the following fields

    "success": true,  
    "data": {  
        "hostname": "",  
        "portfolioName": "Calvins Coffee",  
        "status": "ACTIVE",  
        "edition": "SUBSCRIPTION_PRO_TRIAL",  
        "trialEndDate": "2023-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "conversionDate": "",  
        "externalId": "Biz1"  
    "error": null  

Data Elements Returned

Data ElementInfo
hostnameThe URL of the created Deputy account.
portfolioNameThe portfolio name provided in the request
statusAlways ACTIVE, indicating an Active Deputy installation.
editionAlways SUBSCRIPTION_PRO_TRIAL, indicating a Deputy trial for a Premium monthly subscription
trialEndDateDate the Deputy accounts trial ends. The account should be converted before this date.
conversionDateAlways empty
externalIdThe external ID provided in the request

Converting or Cancelling a Deputy Account

To convert an account to a premium Deputy subscription OR cancel a Deputy subscription, a POST request needs to be made to the change-plan endpoint.


curl POST{partnername}/change-plan


Business Address Requirements

If you're converting an account in the US, extra data containing the billing address of the business is required for compliance reasons.

Sample Request Payload to Convert

    "data" : {  
        "hostname": "",  
        "action": "upgrade",
      	"address": {
            "address1": "123 Elm Street",
            "suburb": "Manhattan",
            "state": "NY",
            "postcode": "12345",
            "country": "US"

Sample Request Payload to Cancel

    "data" : {  
        "hostname": "",  
        "action": "cancel"

Data Elements


Data ElementMandatoryInfo
hostnameYesA valid hostname, returned as part of the provisioning endpoint.
actionYesEither upgrade or cancel


Data ElementMandatoryInfo
address1NoA valid street address.
suburbNoCity or suburb
stateNoState to which the address belongs to
postcodeNoPostal code of the address
countryNoCountry to which the address belongs to

The response from this endpoint will detail the following fields

    "success": true,  
    "data": {  
        "hostname": "",  
        "trialEndDate": "2023-05-14T00:00:00+00:00",  
        "edition": "SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_PRO_PREMIUM"  
    "error": null  

Data Elements Returned


Data ElementInfo
hostnameThe URL of the created Deputy account.
trialEndDateThe date that the trial ends. If converting before the end date of the trial, the day after the end of trial will constitute the start of billing.
editionThe edition the account has been converted to.

Note An error will be thrown if you try to upgrade an account that is already Premium, or cancel an account that is on trial or expired.

Status Check on a Deputy Business

To retrieve subscription information related to a Deputy business, a post request can be made to the Status Check endpoint


curl POST{partnername}/subscription-status

Sample Payload

    "hostname": ""  

Data elements

Data ElementMandatoryInfo
hostnameYesA valid hostname, returned as part of the provisioning endpoint.


Given a hostname that is linked to the partner making the request, the endpoint will return

    "success": true,  
    "data": {  
        "status": "ACTIVE",  
        "hostname": "",  
        "portfolioName": "Calvins Coffee",  
        "edition": "SUBSCRIPTION_FREE",  
        "trialEndDate": "2023-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "conversionDate": ""  
    "error": null  

Note on Embedded Subscription Editions

Deputy embedded accounts have three editions:

  • SUBSCRIPTION_PRO_TRIAL - The account is in a trial state. The trial will expire at the date listed in the trialEndDate field. Trials should be converted before this date.
  • SUBSCRIPTION_FREE - a Premium account has been cancelled, or a trial has expired. SUBSCRIPTION_FREE accounts may be converted into SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_PRO_PREMIUM accounts via calling our change plan endpoint. While in a SUBSCRIPTION_FREE state, these accounts may be deleted by Deputy, especially if the account has low users and has been dormant. For this reason, it's recommended to convert before the account enters this state, or soon after.
  • SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_PRO_PREMIUM - a paid, converted Deputy account.