Pay rules within Deputy define rules around how an employee is paid when those items are applied to their profile. For example hourly pay or salary and whether this is a base pay amount or loading.
Data Element | Data Type | What is it | Mandatory |
Id | Integer | The id of the record | No |
RemunerationType | Integer | The type of remuneration. Hourly or unit-based pay. 1 = Hourly 2 = Salary 3 = Unit | Yes |
RemunerationBy | Integer | How this remuneration record operates. Base pay, shift loading or period loading. 1 = Base Pay 2 = Shift Loading 3 = Period Loading | Yes |
AnnualSalary | Float | Stores the annual salary of if this is a salary based pay rule | No |
HourlyRate | Float | Stores the hourly rate if this is not a multiplier condition | No |
IsMultiplier | Boolean True/False | Determines whether this is a multiplier based rate or not | No |
MultiplierValue | Float | The amount of multiplier applied if it is a multiplier rate | No |
MultiplierBaseRate | Integer | Which base rate record id that has this multiplier applied to it | No |
MinimumType | Integer | Determines whether the minimum loading is dollars or hours | No |
MaximumType | Integer | Determines whether the maximum loading is dollars or hours | No |
MinimumValue | Float | The minimum value of the loading | No |
MaximumValue | Float | The maximum value of the loading | No |
MinimumShiftLength | Float | The minimum shift length before this loading is applied | No |
MaximumShiftLength | Float | The maximum shift length after which this loading is no longer applied | No |
PayTitle | String | The name of the Pay Condition | Yes |
IsExported | Boolean True/False | Indicates whether this rule will be exported when timesheets are exported to payroll systems | Yes |
UnitValue | Float | Sets the value for the remuneration if the type is unit type | No |
Schedule | Integer | Defines which occurrence rule triggers the conditions of this pay rule 3 = Public Holiday - All day 200 = Sun - All day 202 = Sat - All day 204 = Daily - All day 206 = Weekdays - All day | No |
RecommendWith | Integer | Defines which part of the Deputy system triggers the the rule 1 = Time based 2 = DEXML (Custom script) | No |
DexmlScript | Integer | The record id of the DeXML script that controls the pay rule | No |
DexmlScriptParam | VarChar | Parameters to run with the DeXML Script | No |
PeriodType | Integer | The pay period type | No |
PayPortionRule | Integer | This determines whether this pay rule should override other rules that may have been applied in the shift. 1 = Greater portion of shift 2 = Pay exact portion 3 = Full shift | No |
PayrollCategory | VarChar | Payroll Export Code | No |
RateType | Integer | 1 = Ordinary 2 = Overtime 3 = Penalty 4 = Non-payable time | No |
Comment | Blob | Any comment in the pay rule record | No |
Creator | Integer | The id of the user that created the record | No |
Created | DateTime | The time the record was originally created | No |
Modified | DateTime | The time the record was last modified | no |
Foreign Objects which can be linked with the Resource API
PayRules - Employee
PayRulesDeputecEmploymentContractsAsPayRules - Employment Contract
OperationUnit: OperationalUnit
Updated 11 months ago