Employee is a person that can be rostered/time tracked/managed in Deputy. An employee is associated to a user.
Method | Endpoint | Summary | Availability |
GET | /api/v1/resource/Employee | Return a list of employees | Premium and Enterprise |
GET | /api/v1/resource/Employee/{id} | Return an individual employee record | Premium and Enterprise |
POST | /api/v1/resource/Employee/QUERY | Return queried objects; limited to 500 at a time | Premium and Enterprise |
Data Element | Data Type | What Is It | Mandatory |
Id | Integer | Unique ID of Employee | No |
Company | Integer | Primary Location of employee | Yes |
FirstName | VarChar | First Name | Yes |
LastName | VarChar | Last Name | Yes |
DisplayName | VarChar | Preferred Name the Employee goes by | Yes |
OtherName | VarChar | Not used | No |
Saluation | VarChar | Title (Mr, Mrs, etc) | No |
MainAddress | Integer | The id of the Address record for the Main Address of the employee | No |
PostalAddress | Integer | The id of the Address record for the Postal Address of the employee | No |
Contact | Integer | Contact Details record id | No |
EmergencyAddress | Integer | The id of the Address record for the Emergency Address of the employee | No |
DateOfBirth | Date | Date employee was born | No |
Gender | Integer | Gender | No |
Pronouns | Integer | Pronouns (eg. He, She, They) | No |
CustomPronouns | VarChar | Pronouns made by the user as custom | |
Photo | Integer | The id record number for the photo of the user | No |
User | Integer | User ID | No |
Active | Boolean True/False | True if employee is not archived, false if archived | Yes |
StartDate | Date | Hire Date | No |
TerminationDate | Date | Date employee was archived | No |
StressProfile | Integer | The id of the stress profile record linked to the employee | No |
TrainingRecords | Integer | The id of the Training record assigned to the employee | No |
Role | Integer | Access Level pertaining to permissions | Yes |
AllowAppraisal | Boolean True/False | If true, the 5 star performance appraisal appears on timesheets. | No |
HistoryId | Integer | ID recording last change to employee | No |
Creator | Integer | The id of the user that created the employee | No |
Created | DateTime | Date/Time employee was created | No |
Modified | DateTime | Date/Time employee was last modified | No |
Foreign Objects which can be linked with the Resource API
CompanyObject - Company
MainAddressObject - Address
PostalAddressObject- Address
EmergencyAddressObject - Address
ContactObject - Contact
StressProfileObject - StressProfile
RoleObject - EmployeeRole
Associated Objects
PayRules - PayRules
ManagementEmployeeOperationalUnit - Operational Unit
RosterEmployeeOperationalUnit - Operational Unit
Updated about 1 year ago