A contract of employment (also known as Employment Term, Pay Rate, or Award in the Deputy UI) contains all possible pay and leave rules that are applicable to employees. This is a reference table.
An EmploymentContract is a part of EmployeeAgreement (which is the association of an Employee with an EmploymentContract)
Data Element | Data Type | What Is It? | Mandatory? |
Id | Integer | The unique id of the record | No |
Code | String | Internal use only | No |
Name | String | Name of the employment contract | Yes |
Description | String | Description of the employment contract (pay rate). Sometimes used for system strings | No |
EmploymentBasis | Integer | Individual or Labour Hire 1 - Individual 2 - Labour Hire | Yes |
EmploymentCategory | Integer | Permanent or Temporary 1 - Permanent 2 - Temporary | Yes |
EmploymentStatus | Integer | Full Time, Part Time, or Casual 1 - Full Time 2 - Part Time 3 - Casual 4 - Contractor | Yes |
EmploymentCondition | EmploymentConditionObject | Standard Hours associated with the Pay Rate | No |
BasePayRule | BasePayRuleObject | Base Pay Condition associated with the pay rule - used for multipliers | Yes |
StressProfile | Integer | Not used | No |
StartDate | Datetime | Not used | No |
EndDate | Datetime | Not used | No |
PeriodType | Integer | The cycle selected will determine the Pay Period this Employment Term can be associated with. 1 - Weekly 2 - Fortnight 3 - Monthly 4 - Every 3 weeks 5 - Every 4 weeks 6 - BiMonthly | Yes |
File | String | Not used | No |
StrictLeaveApproval | Boolean True/False | If true, only leave conditions of the employee's Pay Rate will be displayed when approving a leave. | No |
Award | String | Code used to identify the award - system use only, used when using library rates | No |
EmploymentSubType | String | This allows an award to be classified further beyond an award/ type. For example shiftworkers or non shiftworkers | No |
AwardStartDate | Datetime | Date award is expected to start being effective | No |
Creator | Integer | The id of the user who created the EmploymentContract | No |
Created | Datetime | Date created | No |
Modified | Datetime | Date modified | No |
Updated 2 months ago