The country object in the Deputy install stores information about which countries are supported in the Deputy system. When adding an address for example you will need to know the two-digit country code. This can be obtained from the Country object.
Data Element | Data Type | What is it | Mandatory |
Id | Integer | Unique id of the record | No |
Code | Char(2) | The unique code for the country, example AU | Yes |
CodeA3 | Char(3) | The unique 3 digit code for the country | Yes |
Region | char(2) | The Deputy region the country is in | Yes |
Active | Boolean True/False | Whether the country record is active or not | Yes |
SortOrder | Integer | The sort order of the country list | No |
Country | VarChar | The full name of the country | Yes |
ZipValidatePreg | VarChar | The regex used to validate Zip/Postcodes | No |
PhoneDisplayPreg | VarChar | The regex used to validate phone numbers | No |
Creator | Integer | The id record of the user who created the record | No |
Created | DateTime | When the record was created | No |
Modified | DateTime | When the record was last modified | No |
Updated over 2 years ago
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