When a team member completes a shift, a record is created of the actual times worked by that team member. A timesheet then follows a workflow for "approval" and "payment".
Data Element | Data Type | What is it | Mandatory |
Id | Integer | Unique identifier | Yes |
Employee | Integer | Employee ID who worked the shift | Yes |
EmployeeHistory | Integer | ID of the employee's history at time of timesheet | No |
EmployeeAgreement | Integer | EmployeeAgreement of the employee for the location worked in the shift | No |
Date | Date | Date of the shift | No |
StartTime | Integer | Start time of the shift | No |
EndTime | Integer | End time of the shift | No |
Mealbreak | Time | Time of Meal Break | No |
MealbreakSlots | String | Slots used to define the start/end times of meal and rest breaks | No |
TotalTime | Float | Total time to be paid in shift | Yes |
TotalTimeInv | Float | Not used | Yes |
Cost | Decimal | Cost of shift | |
Roster | Integer | ID of scheduled shift that is associated with this timesheet | No |
EmployeeComment | String | Comment entered by employee | No |
SupervisorComment | String | Not used | No |
Supervisor | Integer | Not used | N/A |
Disputed | Boolean | Not used | N/A |
TimeApproved | Boolean | True if time component of timesheet has been approved. There is a seperate field for if pay component of timesheet has been approved. | No |
TimeApprover | Integer | ID of employee who approved time of timesheet | No |
Discarded | Boolean | True if this is a discarded timesheets | No |
ValidationFlag | Integer | This field whole multiple values to indicate different timesheet validations. It is set with bitwise math (to allow multiple values to be set here) to show if the timesheet has some reasons that it needs attention (i.e. clocked in far away, timesheet was forgotten to be finished, etc.). The bitwise math allows it to represent an AND of combination of reasons that need attention. | Yes |
OperationalUnit | Integer | Area associated with shift | No |
isInProgress | Boolean | True if shift is currently in progress | No |
IsLeave | Boolean | True if timesheet is associated with a leave request | No |
LeaveId | Integer | Leave request associated with Timesheet | No |
LeaveRule | Integer | Leave rule associated with Timesheet | No |
Invoiced | Boolean | Not used | N/A |
InvoiceComment | String | Not used | N/A |
PayRuleApproved | Boolean | True if pay component of timesheet has been approved. | Yes |
Exported | Boolean | True if Timesheet was exported (often used to mark that it was sent to another system, such as payroll) | No |
StagingId | Integer | Association to the timesheet_stage record which wraps all timesheets that got marked as paid together | No |
PayStaged | Boolean | True if timesheet has been marked as paid and locked | No |
PayCycleId | Integer | PayPeriod associated with timesheet | No |
File | Integer | Reference to the photo taken in Kiosk/Time Clock | No |
CustomFieldDate | Integer | Custom Timesheet Questions attached to timesheet | No |
RealTime | Boolean | Boolean to signify if timesheet was ever in progress as opposed to having been submitted retrospectively | No |
AutoProcessed | Boolean | Timesheet has automatically been processed by business rules | No |
AutoRounded | Boolean | Timesheet has been rounded by automatic rounding rules | No |
AutoPayRuleApproved | Boolean | Timesheet has automatically had pay approved by location rules or by using one step approval | No |
Creator | Integer | Employee who created timesheet | No |
Created | Datetime | Time timesheet was created | No |
Modified | Datetime | Time timesheet was modified | No |
Foreign Objects which can be linked with the Resource API
EmployeeObject - Employee
EmployeeAgreementObject - EmployeeAgreement
RosterObject - Roster
OperationalUnitObject - OperationalUnit
Leave - Leave
LeaveRuleObject - LeaveRules
Paycycle - EmployeePayCycle
CustomFieldDataObject - CustomFieldData
Updated about 1 year ago