Common errors & supporting your customers.
Common Errors
Endpoint | Error Scenario | Code | Cause |
Signup | Missing partner | 400 | A partner name has not been provided (Mandatory) |
Signup | Missing first name | 400 | A first name has not been provided (Mandatory) |
Signup | Missing last name | 400 | A last name has not been provided (Mandatory) |
Signup | Missing email | 400 | An email has not been provided (Mandatory) |
Signup | Missing portfolio name | 400 | A business/portfolio name has not been provided (Mandatory) |
Signup | Missing external ID | 400 | An external name has not been provided for the business (Mandatory) |
Signup | Duplicated external ID | 400 | A Deputy account is already linked to this external ID |
Signup | Duplicated user email | 400 | Can't create user - this email already has a Deputy account. Please reach out to the Deputy team. |
Signup | Internal Error | 500 | Something went wrong - please reach out to the Deputy team. |
Signup | Error in provisioning partner | 500 | Something went wrong - please reach out to the Deputy team. |
Change Plan
Endpoint | Error Scenario | Code | Reason |
Change-plan | Attempted upgrade on a converted account | 400 | Only accounts in downgraded or cancelled trials may be converted. |
Change-plan | Attempted cancellation on a free/non converted account | 400 | Only accounts in downgraded or cancelled trials may be converted. |
Change-plan | Attempted conversion or cancellation on an non embedded account | 400 | Only accounts that are created by a specific embedded partner can be upgraded/downgraded by that embedded partner |
Change-plan | Attempted cancellation on an invalid hostname. | 400 | Hostname provided must be a valid Deputy URL |
Error Format
Errors will be returned consolidated as part of a unsuccessful response.
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid request payload",
"details": [
"type": "BAD_REQUEST",
"bad_request": {
"field_violations": [
"field": "businessData.estimatedEmployeeCount",
"description": "Estimated employee count should be greater than 0"
"field": "userData.firstName",
"description": "A first name is required."
"field": "businessData.portfolioName",
"description": "A portfolio name is required."
"field": "businessData.externalId",
"description": "An External ID is required."
Supporting your users
In embedded partner relationships, partners take on the responsibility of supporting their customers.
To properly debug a customer that is encountering an issue, it is recommended that the partners support team adds a privileged user (possible via a call to our add people API).
If this user is created and removed before the end of the month, it will not incur a charge.
Updated over 1 year ago