
Individual Tasks which can assigned to an employee or sub tasks within the same group assigned to an Area

Data ElementData TypeWhat is itMandatory
IdIntegerThe unique identifier of the recordNo
TaskSetupIdIntegerThe unique id of the TaskSetup record linked to this Task recordYes
OpUnitIdIntegerThe unique id of the OperationalUnit (a.k.a. Area) record linked to this Task recordYes
GroupIdIntegerThe unique id of the TaskGroup record linked to this Task recordYes
DayTimestampIntegerTimestamp for the taskYes
DateDateDate of the taskYes
OrigDayTimestampIntegerOriginal timestamp of the taskNo
OrigDateDateOriginal date for the taskNo
AvailableAfterTimestampIntegerOnly make task available after a certain time of dayNo
DueDateDateThe due date for the taskNo
DueTimestampIntegerThe time the task is dueNo
RepeatIfNotCompletedBitIf true, task will rollover to next day if not completedNo
SortOrderIntegerInteger identifying tasks order in overall listYes
TypeIntegerType of task
- check box: 1
- recurring: 2
- informational: 3
QuestionVarCharThe title of the taskYes
AnswerBlobThe number of times the task has been completedNo
CommentVarCharThe detailed description of the taskNo
UserEntryIntegerThe identifier of the user who created the taskYes
UserPerformTaskIntegerThe identifier of the user who completed the taskNo
UserResponsibleIntegerThe identifier of the user who has been assigned the taskNo
CreatedDateTimeWhen the record was originally createdNo
ModifiedDateTimeThe last time the record was modifiedNo
TsCompletedIntegerTimestamp for when the task was completedNo

Foreign Objects which can be linked with the Resource API
