
Stores a log of all the SMS messages sent from the Deputy install. SMS can be sent from Deputy for a variety of reasons such as offering shifts, updating shift status and contacting an employee directly.

Data ElementData TypeWhat is itMandatory
IdIntegerThe unique internal id of the recordNo
DestinationStringThe phone number the message is being sent toYes
MessageBlobThe text of the messageYes
CountIntegerA text message can be sent as a single SMS or with multiple SMS (aka segments) depending on the number of characters of the message. Count refers to the number of segments (multiple SMS messages)Yes
SmsIdStringThe unique id of the sms messageYes
DeliveryReportStringA unique code sent in the message for the employee to accept the shift reportNo
CreatorIntegerThe identifier of the user who created the recordNo
CreatedDateTimeWhen the record was originally createdNo
ModifiedDateTimeThe last time the record was modifiedNo