
Describes the relationship for which OperationalUnit (a.k.a. Area) tasks have been assigned to

Data ElementData TypeWhat is itMandatory
IdIntegerThe unique identifier of the recordNo
TaskSetupIdIntegerThe unique id of the TaskSetup record linked to this TaskOpunitConfig recordYes
TaskGroupIdIntegerThe unique id of the TaskGroupSetup record linked to this TaskOpunitConfig recordYes
ActiveBitIf this TaskOpunitConfig is active or notYes
SortOrderIntegerInteger identifying order in overall listYes
OpUnitIdIntegerThe unique id of the TaskGroupSetup record linked to this Task recordYes
ScheduleIntegerThe unique id of the Schedule record linked to this TaskOpunitConfig recordYes
AvailableAfterVarCharOnly make related tasks available after a certain time of dayNo
CreatorIntegerWhen the record was originally createdNo
CreatedDateTimeThe last time the record was modifiedNo
ModifiedDateTimeTimestamp for when the task was completedNo

Foreign Objects which can be linked with the Resource API

TaskSetup - TaskSetup
TaskGroup - TaskGroupSetup
OpUnit - OperationalUnit
ScheduleObject - Schedule