Webhook action list

Each Webhook action supports Insert, Update, Delete and Save triggers. For your application to be informed of these changes, you will need to setup a Webhook per action.

Insert - Triggers when a record is added
Update - Triggers when a record is updated. Only triggers on save if records have changed.
Delete - Triggers when a record is deleted
Save - Triggers when a record is saved. This will also trigger when no changes have been made.

For example, if you want to know when an Employee record is saved or updated, you will need to setup a Webhook action for save and one for update.


Update and Save

If you setup triggers for both update and save, you will receive two notifications when a record is changed. If you only want to know when changes have been made, only configure an Update trigger

There is no limit to the amount of Webhooks you are able to setup in a Deputy install.

Below is a list of all the resource types available in the Deputy install that can be setup for use with Webhooks.

ActionWhat it is
CompanyRelated to the Company details of the install. For example, the business name.
CommentComments in the system against items such as news feed.
EmployeeThe employees within the Deputy install
EmployeeAvailabilityWithin employee records within the Deputy install, employees can have availability records set as to when they are available to work
LeaveRelated to leave records (eg. Annual Leave) against employees in the Deputy install.
MemoPosts in the news feed section of the Deputy install
OperationalUnitThese are called Areas in the Deputy install and are generally jobs or places within a workplace location. For example Chef, or Front of House.
RosterRosters are called Schedules within the Deputy install and relate to shifts either free or allocated to workers for a period of time.
RosterOpenWhen a shift within a roster becomes open (no employee assigned) this event is triggered.
RosterSwapThis event is related to a shift becoming available to swap (ie an employee or manager has opened the shift allowing other employees to take it, but the original employee is assigned until a swap takes place).
Roster.PublishWhen a schedule/roster is published this event will be triggered.
TaskWithin Deputy, employees can have tasks assigned to them. When changes to tasks occur, this event triggers.
TimesheetsThis event is related to the Timesheet data being stored in the Deputy install.
TimesheetPayReturnThis event is related to the pay approval status of a timesheet.
TrainingRecordWithin a Deputy install employees can have training assigned to them. When changes occur with training, this event will be triggered.
User.LoginEvent triggered when a user logs in.
TimesheetExport.BeginThis event will be triggered when the export of timesheets to a third party application, CSV file etc begins
TimesheetExport.EndThis event will be triggered when the export of timesheets to a third party application, CSV file etc ends.
Device.RegistrationThis event triggers when a new device is added to a Deputy install. For example a kiosk tablet or mobile phone app connection.