
Deputy has a function called Newsfeed which allows business owners to communicate with their employees information in a news post style format. These posts can be set so that employees have to acknowledge that they have seen them (for example a company policy change) and can be generated using the Deputy API. Follow the below guide to add a newsfeed post via the API.

The URL to add a newsfeed post is as follows

curl --POST 'https://{install}.{geo}

Sample Payload

    "strTitle": "Upcoming Party",
    "strContent": "There wil be a party soon for employees",
    "arrAssignedUserIds": [1],
    "arrAssignedCompanyIds": [1],
    "strShowFrom": "2023-02-01",
    "showTill": "2023-02-02",
    "blnRequireConfirm": 0
ElementData TypeInfo
strTitleStringThe title for the newsfeed post
strContentStringThe text to include in the newsfeed
arrAssignedUserIdsArrayIf you want to specifically target employees with the message, include them in an array here.
strShowFromDateIf you want to schedule when the newsfeed post should start showing include a date here.
showTillDateIf you want to end the viewing of the post on a particular date enter it here.
blnRequireConfirmBooleanIf 0 the employees do not have to confirm, if 1 they do.
arrAssignedCompanyIdsArrayThis array contains the ids of the locations you want to specifically target with the message.

Sample Response

    "Id": 15,
    "ShowFrom": "2023-02-01T00:00:00+11:00",
    "Active": true,
    "ShowTill": null,
    "Title": "Upcoming Party",
    "Content": "There wil be a party soon for employees",
    "Type": 1,
    "File": null,
    "Url": null,
    "ConfirmText": "",
    "Keyword": "There wil be a party soon for employees",
    "DisableComment": false,
    "Creator": 1,
    "Created": "2023-02-14T13:15:44+11:00",
    "Modified": "2023-02-14T13:15:44+11:00",
    "_DPMetaData": {
        "System": "Memo",
        "CreatorInfo": {
            "Id": 1,
            "DisplayName": "Simon Hutchinson",
            "EmployeeProfile": 1,
            "Employee": 1,
            "Photo": "",
            "Pronouns": 0,
            "CustomPronouns": ""
        "Companies": [
                "Id": 1,
                "Portfolio": null,
                "Code": "Sim",
                "Active": true,
                "ParentCompany": 0,
                "CompanyName": "Simons Sambos",
                "TradingName": "",
                "BusinessNumber": "",
                "CompanyNumber": null,
                "IsWorkplace": true,
                "IsPayrollEntity": true,
                "PayrollExportCode": "",
                "Address": 157,
                "Contact": 14,
                "Creator": 1,
                "Created": "2009-04-08T14:53:33+10:00",
                "Modified": "2022-10-10T14:05:12+11:00",
                "_DPMetaData": {
                    "System": "Company",
                    "CreatorInfo": {
                        "Id": 1,
                        "DisplayName": "Simon Hutchinson",
                        "EmployeeProfile": 1,
                        "Employee": 1,
                        "Photo": "",
                        "Pronouns": 0,
                        "CustomPronouns": ""
                    "AddressObject": {
                        "Id": 157,
                        "ContactName": null,
                        "UnitNo": null,
                        "StreetNo": null,
                        "SuiteNo": null,
                        "PoBox": null,
                        "Street1": "Sydney,  New South Wales , Australia",
                        "Street2": null,
                        "City": null,
                        "State": null,
                        "Postcode": null,
                        "Country": 13,
                        "Phone": null,
                        "Notes": null,
                        "Format": null,
                        "Saved": null,
                        "Creator": 1,
                        "Created": "2022-05-05T16:43:57+10:00",
                        "Modified": "2022-05-05T16:43:57+10:00",
                        "Print": "Sydney,  New South Wales , Australia\n"
                    "Geo": {
                        "Id": 1,
                        "Orm": "DeputecCompany",
                        "RecId": 1,
                        "Longitude": 151.2006,
                        "Latitude": -33.8715,
                        "Accuracy": null,
                        "No": null,
                        "Street": null,
                        "Suburb": null,
                        "State": null,
                        "Postcode": null,
                        "Country": null,
                        "Action": null,
                        "Creator": 1,
                        "Created": "2022-05-05T16:43:57+10:00",
                        "Modified": "2022-05-05T16:43:57+10:00"
                    "CustomData": {
                        "GooglePlaceId": null
        "Teams": [],
        "CanDelete": true,
        "Files": [],
        "AssignedUsers": [
                "Id": 1,
                "DisplayName": "Simon Hutchinson",
                "EmployeeProfile": 1,
                "Employee": 1,
                "Photo": "",
                "Pronouns": 0,
                "CustomPronouns": ""
                "Id": 1,
                "DisplayName": "Simon Hutchinson",
                "EmployeeProfile": 1,
                "Employee": 1,
                "Photo": "",
                "Pronouns": 0,
                "CustomPronouns": ""
        "Comments": [],
        "RequireConfirmation": false,
        "RequireMyConfirm": false,
        "MemoLogs": []